Sunday, April 10, 2016

Catherine Meadows Weekly Post 12

outside in / inside Out

Patrick Joust was born in 1978 in Oroville, California and is currently living and working in Baltimore, Maryland. He is a completely self-taught photographer. Since 2010, he's been in numerous group shows, mainly in Maryland. He's also had a solo show in Maryland as well.

I spent a really long time looking at these photos. There's so much included in each photograph that it takes me a while to really enjoy the series as a whole. I love the concept behind it though. The title outside in / Inside out works perfectly for this group of photos. To me, I interpret it as being how some of the pictures are taken indoors with a view to the outside through a window, while others are taken outside with a door or window looking indoors.

I find it very interesting how the lighting came out in a lot of these. I think the time of day plays a huge part in how strong this work is in my opinion. Most of the shots are at night, with the rest being at dusk. With the really dark night shots, he makes sure to include a majority of the light coming from the window or doorway. Compositionally, I think each photograph is very strong. The placement of the window/doorway allows for our eyes to travel throughout the photo. The light leads us to look at things both inside and outside the window frame. Overall, I really enjoyed this series and would love to try a project similar in the future.

1 comment:

  1. I really do like how we are only given a glimpse of the inside. Also given two sources of light which make the images.
