Monday, August 25, 2014

Shane Rocheleau - Weekly Post

Alec Soth

Alec Soth travels the country with, predominantly, an 8x10 view camera.  He generally shoots in color.  His compositions are tight but not very busy.  When I look at a Soth, I don't need to guess what I'm supposed to see.

In his series Niagra, Soth looks for love in, apparently, the right place:  the east coast's wedding capital. Problem is, the love he finds seems stunted, scared, depressed.  Love seems to be a promise not of lifelong bliss, but difficulty and heartbreak.  I suppose, though, that the interesting question he asks is not can we find true, unadulterated, difficulty free love, but why do we deserve perfection when perfection is an artifice anyhow.

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