Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Aimee Bruce Weekly Post 7#

       James Bowden is a photographer/surfer who enjoys traveling. The photos posted here are all from his solo camping adventure for Kinfolk Magazine. When looking at the first image above, one can see it has a low depth of field. To achieve this, James probably opened his aperture to approximately 8 (if not 5.6). For him to get a decent exposure, his shutter speed must have been at 1/60 or even at 1/125 of a second. Based off the shutter speed, James could have just as easily hand held.

       When looking through James Bowden's collection of Photographs, I noticed that they all had a similar theme. I believe that theme has to do with travel/adventure. In every other collection, he is in a different location, doing some kind of activity, and with different people. If one were to take a closer look at the meaning behind these images, they would arrive at the idea that theres something more to life than just the everyday routine of being in one place. When taking into consideration that today's society is more focused towards media and technology, one can imagine that the average person would feel reluctant on exploring the ever-changing world. I feel the images, created by James, helps inspire the viewer on maybe taking a break from the mundane stresses and routines of everyday life. I think the question he asks through his camera is, "How can I better spend my time on this this planet before the inevitable happens".

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