Sunday, August 30, 2015

Brandon Harrell- Weekly Artist Post #3

Michael Dyrland

For his photographic work, he uses color, and most likely a digital format. His main focus of his recent set of photographs is men wearing HAZMAT suits having a “fun” day at the beach.

In his recent set, Dyrland is trying to show how conditions of the oceans will be if we keep dumping our waste into it. At the beach, heavy rains brought waste containing sewage, trash, oil, and even human fecal matter to the ocean. His recent work is showing how oceans will be in the next quarter century, a place so contaminated that we will have to wear HAZMAT suits just to enter them. His works appears to be as an appeal to large companies and factories to stop emptying their waste into the oceans, contaminating all wildlife, and to find alternatives to handle their waste.

I enjoyed his work, as it gives an almost haunting look into the near future if we as humans keep up with the waste removal we are doing in the present.

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