Sunday, August 30, 2015

Max Goossens - Weekly Artist Post 2

Nacio Jan Brown
'Rag Town Theater' (1969-1973)

Nacho Jan Brown captures his subjects in real life situations. Brown captures both subjects and objects in each of his pictures, making the pictures reveal a lot of information about the subject. In most of Browns pictures the whole picture is in focus, not just the subject in the front, but the actions in the background as well.
In each of Brown's pictures, the subject has an interaction with an object, whether it is as simple as a necklace or as complex as another individual. This interaction gives them more weight in their actions. This helps Brown's images come to life as a story of the world these people are living in, rather than just the person. I believe that Brown wants to give each subject the justice that they deserve.
Brown has a really interesting way of telling the story of his subjects. He says that he wants to remember the people as he saw them in that exact moment in time. Because he shoots in file he gets to relive the memory with every action that comes with the development of the photograph. I love being able to connect with someone I don't even know and be able to jump right into their life with the simplicity of a photo.

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