Sunday, August 30, 2015

Max Goossens - Weekly Artist Post 3

Kevin Faingnaert
Matavernero (2015)

Kevin Faingnaert uses light in a really interesting way. The light is not focused on one point of the image, rather, it defuses throughout the entirety of the image. Faingnaert also uses lines found in nature, such as the path or tree branches, to create focal points in the image.
As an artist, Faingnaert immersed himself in this eco-friendly culture to better understand the people and place that he was photographing. Faingnaert wants to show the world the way that these people live as it is considerably different from the 'norm.'
I really enjoy Faingnaerts photographs, and the way he represents the people. He is not trying to take the houses or people out of their context to create a better reality. Instead, he wants to leave everything exactly how he sees it in its natural state.  This authenticity is what makes his work so striking.

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