Sunday, March 27, 2016

Hailey Porth Blog Post

Rineke Dijkstra

New York Times Article

Guggenheim Article

Dijkstra's work is one of a kind and distinct. I can tell her work out of crowd of others. Her work makes me feel uncomfortable and vulnerable. And many times I don't know how I should perceive it. She is known for her portraits of people normally in the center of the frame and with the background blurred out.

Her series of adolescents at the beach is not the project that is most uncomfortable for me, but the one that comes to mind whenever I think of her. The images are so uniform but also so diverse in content. It keeps my attention drawn always causing me to look back at these photographs. The people in them are incredibly distinct and don't just have emotions on their face but throughout their whole bodies.

The first photograph shown is actually not from that project but is a self portrait of herself.

I would love to be abel to create portraits like she is able to create. These portraits that are so unique but so similar. I would also love to have the guts to be able to ask someone in their bathing suit to take their photograph!! There had to of been ALOT of rejection in the midst of that. People hate having their photo taken in their bathing suit... well I know I do. LOL

1 comment:

  1. When I started yo scroll down the photos, I actually saw some similarities in the pictures that you make. Its almost as if yours are an updated version of this. I definitely get the feeling of being uncomfortable, which must come from the way that these were taken because we see things like this all the time and never second guess it.
