Saturday, March 26, 2016

Mollie Schaidt Weekly Post 10

Eugene Richards

  1. Eugene Richards for awhile was trying to get a close look to the drug scene. After trial and error he couldn't, and then he realized how powerful the drug world was. He teamed up with Life reporter Ed Barnes and they went to the Red Hook Housing project located in Brooklyn, New York where these photos were taken. Richards wasn't interested in catching the dealers and addicts just wanted to see what the life was like up-close and personal.
  2. Richards uses black and white portrait photography some of the dealers, and some addicts. Richards wanted to learn what their world was like and how it effected their lives. 
  3. In these photos I see both sides the users/dealers and the other people effected such as children. The last photo of the child looking out the small window, and it took me a second to realize the adult behind him. This photo just shows me what impact it has on someone so young! It's heartbreaking growing up in that situation and that's all they know. The first two photos just the desperation in the women's eyes for the high of the drug is unreal, and speaks volumes how addicted they are. 

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