Sunday, November 22, 2015

Dawit Samson - Artist Weekly Post #15

Ezra Stoller

1.) Ezra Stoller uses repetition, wide angle shots, and lines to compose his photos. The first photo shows a worker in front of an assembly line of TVs. The repetition of gives the photo a pattern which makes the worker stand out more. The second picture, which looks similar to Andreas Gursky's famous grocery picture, was shot with a wide angle lens, in a landscape orientation. Repetition and leading lines can be found in the picture also. The last photo, captures all three elements, repetition, wide angle shot, and leading lines, perfectly. From the repetition in the poles and phones to the lights and circle vents. The leading lines  in the poles, the lights, and even the telephone line. All this was wonderfully captured with a wide angle lens.

2.) The theme behind these pictures is the US Industry. When Ezra Stoller took this the Us industry was thriving and he captured it lovely. From the tedious assembly line work to the amount of products that were being produced is all captured in this photo series. The third picture, for me, is weird, but somehow it fits with the story. 

3.) Ezra Stoller really fascinated me on how he captured the US industry. While I was looking for an artist to write this post on I came upon a lot of creative, out of the box stuff, but for some reason Stoller's use of composition rules really caught my eye. His content is something that artist dread to be in, a 9 to 5, but he captures it so well. 

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