Sunday, November 8, 2015

Dawit Samson - Weekly Artist Post #13

Robert Capa

1. "If your photographs aren't good enough, you're not close enough," says Robert Capa arguably the best war photographer. In these three images, Capa is more than close, he is right there with the soldiers. Shooting in landscape or portrait, Capa frames the shot well. Usually having a foreground, midground, and a background. In the first picture he captures soldier at a high angle, and very close up. 

2. His main purpose is to document the war (World War II in these pictures), which he does well. Also he's not bias about the war, he gives it to you straight, how another soldier would see it. Though it is war, and there's really nothing humane about the idea of war, Capa still manages to show the human in the soldiers, like the first picture.

3. I enjoy Capa's photos because its right there in the action. Capa also frames his shots good. Though there are bullets flying over his head, and mines near his feet he still manages to make the composition and lighting good. 

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