Sunday, April 12, 2015

Monica Fowlkes - Weekly Artist Post

For Be Still, My Heart, Italian photographer Marta Giaccone traces the lives of young mothers living in South Wales, cutting through the prejudgement that often surrounds teenage pregnancy to reveal the threads of courage and love that bind each girl to her infant child.  What ultimately reawakened the photographer’s creative spirit was the simple sight of young women walking their children in springtime. As she watched, she was gripped by the weight of the girls’ situation, noting that young mothers are far more common in Britain than they are in Italy. Where most teenagers were contending only with the ups and downs of adolescence, these youngsters had been plunged into an early adulthood.

Despite the demands of motherhood, Giaccone recognized an undeniable warmth and strength of character in the girls who passed by with baby strollers. In her eyes, they emerged as far more than a statistic, and she longed to fill in the gaps, to learn their stories. At first, contact with the mothers was difficult, and she was frequently rejected by young women she approached in malls and on the streets. Over time, her honesty earned her the trust of a few dozen girls, who welcomed her into the homes they had built for and with their children. Gradually, the young women opened up about their histories. Some pregnancies had been planned, while others had not; some mothers had support from their parents and partners, and other relationships had become strained. No matter the situation, whether they were parenting full time or juggling work and school, each mother had provided her child with love and care.

In the photographs it has a sweetness, yet a sadness to them as well.  You can see the loving nurturing of the young mothers, but also the pain and sadness in their eyes from all of the things they went through. 

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