Sunday, January 17, 2016

Mollie Schaidt- Weekly Artists post 2 of 3

Curran Hatleberg

1. These are photos from two projects called, The Crowded Edge and Dogwood. I believe the artists technique behind his work is simply exploration. The willingness to be able to travel and accept the many dead ends and wasted times to capture moments in others lives.
2. The artist's concept behind these photographs was to show the what this countries recession has done to working class communities. He didn't want the viewers interpretation to be guided to just one region/area/state. He wanted to show the wide-spread hardship; which I think by the artist doing this makes it easier for the viewer to relate and connect more to the images.
3. The reason I was attracted to these images is because it felt like I have come in contact with these same situation before-- I have seen similar scenarios. When growing up in a lower working class community I have seen the rough and not-so-pretty struggle to make it. In each of these photos I see disconnect, yet pride and acceptance. In disconnect I mean a disconnection on what is going on around them, and a acceptance for this is what life is-- rough and not-so-pretty. The artist really wanted to convey the hardships of what this countries recession has resulted in communities around the U.S. I believe that the familiarity of these photos is because I am apart of a community struggling by this countries recession. 

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