Sunday, October 30, 2016

Cory Hogan - Artist Post 10

Rusty Wiles

1.) Rusty Wiles is a photographer from Florida. His photos for this piece are all framed at a square 1x1 proportion. His photos seem to be heavily influenced and focused on color and the colors seem highly saturated. 

2.) Wiles works as a firefighter and makes pictures in his free time. He typically goes out during sunrise before his early morning shift. This helps the photos have a nice vibrance and create very long and harsh shadows. His work is described as minimalistic and colorful.

3.) I love how the shadows and colors correspond with each other in these photos. The photos have a very happy and vibrant tone to them. His alignments and arrangements in each of the photos are very nice and each are composed so nicely. I can definitely tell he focuses very heavily on how the lighting interacts with his scenes.

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