Sunday, October 2, 2016

Sarah Ipson- Artist Post 8

1. Roy Lichtenstein was the first artist to use a series of dots to create pictures. Lichtenstein made the original iconic dot based photos for comic books and comic print. Roy Lichtenstein's art is all hand drawn and usually consists mainly of the three primary colors and black and white. On top of using phrases like wham and pop, he also uses images concerning fighter pilots and planes of WWII, and women in distress or model-like women?

2. Roy Lichtenstein's intent was to show the viewers a different way of seeing photos. Lichtenstein helped to add a voice in a sense to the sound effects we picture when reading. Words like pop, wham, boom, give a heighted feeling to a person when looking at comic books, because they are mainly pictures with simple phrases or conversational text, but when reading words like this,it helps to invision a sound when looking at a photo or series of photos when it pertains to an action scene.

3. The feeling I get when looking at these is a feeling of wonderment. It makes me wonder what runs through his mind between all of the sound effects and dotted imagery. It makes me wonder how Lichtenstein pictures every day life on a regular day and how many artistic images pass through his mind on a daily basis.

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