Sunday, August 31, 2014

Holly Walsh Weekly Post #1 Part 1

Brandon Stanton

Brandon Stanton is a twenty- nine year old, New York City based, self-taught photographer and the creator of the Facebook page with over eight million likes- Humans of New York. He travels all over New York City taking portraits and posting them to his page with a short few words or couple paragraphs that came from the person in the portrait. He shoots with some type of digital SLR, an aspect of his work that comes second to what he is doing with his camera.

After studying History in college and spending time trading bonds for a living, Stanton decided to move to New York City to take portraits of residents and post them to a map where you could click on different neighborhoods and see the occupants. His original idea has morphed a bit to become his portrait filled blog he shares with the world. He has spent time in countless other cities documenting the people of the area and is currently on a “World Tour” with the United Nations photographing people in countries including Iraq, Jordan, Kenya, Uganda and Democratic Republic of the Congo. I read one critique of Stanton that stuck with me; it stated that in the past few months his work has done more to humanize the people of the Middle East than all of the big time media we rely on everyday has in years. Anyone that follows Stanton’s work can agree that this is true.

What I hope to take from Stanton is his ability to take his passion, whatever is may be, and make it something powerful that he can share with others. His portraits tell stories of real people living real lives. He shares past experiences, future hopes and little glimpses into the lives of people whom you would normally walk right past and never think twice about. Whether it be portraits, landscapes, paintings, stories, ideas or whatever, I hope to bring to if only a few what Stanton has been doing for millions.

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