Monday, February 9, 2015

Brianna Ivey- Weekly Artist Post 4

Robert Moran

1. Photographer Robert Moran collected vintage objects for over three years. Moran still life Relics, he hope that by using objects that have now beed replace and discarded by sleeker, faster and more effective things that we will remember our inventive past and preserve some of these objects for future generations.
2. Before working on Relics series, Moran did not think about vintage items until he went into a vintage shop and found a vintage fan and he liked the design. While in the shop, he found other items that caught his attention. Moran decided to photograph the fan which started his series. One of his goals for his series is for younger generations to look back into the past when life moved slower and items was made with better materials.
3. By looking at Robert Moran series it showed me how beautiful things was made and how that some of these items stand the test of time. We now live in a generation where quantity bets quality and how items made in this decade would probably not list for generations to come unlike vintage items such as the ones Robert Moran came across.

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