Thursday, February 5, 2015

Jen Maddox - weekly post 4

Andre Andrade

1) Andre took some amazing photos of winter in Yosemite National Park. It seems that he used a hand holding speed or higher for these pictures. He also must have used a wider F stop because the photos have a shallow depth of field.

2)I feel like his intentions for taking these photos and taking them the way he did, was to make the park have a abstract look.  The photos look like you just stepped into a fantasy world because the background is a little blurry.

3) I love the way he decided to take these photos. He could have taken them so everything was in focus and you would be able to feel like you were touching it. However, I love the fact that he didn't, he left the background blurry and with such a beautiful landscape already, the park feels like it is not real.

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