Sunday, February 22, 2015

Weekly Artist Post

Claude Savona

1. Claude Savona's series "Kitchen Sink" focuses on the simple and mundane setting of sinks. Savona uses the color palate of the kitchen sinks and mood in his photographs. Savona centers on the kitchen window and the surrounding colors. Savona most likely uses a high ISO to capture a sharp image. He also focuses on the colors of the kitchen sink, such as the green curtains, white walls, and yellow light switch. 
2. Savona uses the color of the kitchen to create his image. In the first photo, he uses the color palate of the red sweater (which was probably added by Savona), red pot plant, red spray bottle. And mixes it with the green curtains, green plant leaves, and the green pot holder. He does the same in the third photograph where the red and blue sink hoses immediately catch our eye in a green setting. In the second photo, Savona uses the white tile, sink, and cabinets. Along with beige color of the countertop and walls. 
3. I really enjoyed Savona's use of color in his photographs. It jumps at you and makes you look all over the picture for subtle add-ins. The color palate is what makes Savona's images.  

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