Sunday, October 18, 2015

Brandon Harrell- Weekly Artist Post #10

Delorme is most likely using a digital format, although it is not clearly stated whether or not he used analog or digital. For his set of photographs, he uses a color format in the pictures. He takes his shots at dawn or dusk, due to the low amount of natural light in the sky when these photographs were taken.
From a distance, the subjects appear to be a large flock of birds flying in formation. It is with closer inspection that it is something completely different: plastic bags which were shaped to be like a flock of birds flying. It appears that he has several thousands, if not hundreds of thousands, of plastic bags on hand to produce these photographs. He shot each target more than one hundred times each at several vantage points, composing them all together in a single image.

I very much enjoyed Delorme’s work. The viewer can take away from looking at this piece that anything can be made into something that can be photographed. In this case, it is the plastic bags. Also, It also shows that there can be many different ways to compose shapes with objects that are completely irrelevant to the larger picture.

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