Sunday, October 18, 2015

Max Goossens - Weekly Artist Post 10


Swampy captures light in a very interesting way. Many of his images either seem under or over exposed, depending on the mood of the image. For instance as the train starts to ender the tunnel, the images becomes more darkened and blurred as if you were actually there. But as the train passes through the desert areal, the images seem over exposed and washed out by the heat of the sun. But despite these exposures, all the colors in the images are very vibrant and easy to look at.

Swampy is normally a graffiti artist traveling the world leaving his mark in different places.  But swampy decide to capture the world as he embarked on a trip across the country on trains. He focuses on the people that he traveled with and captured some very interning portraits. All of his images have an industrial feel as they are centered around the trail and its content.

I really enjoy the photographs that Swampy was able to capture on his trip. I feel like they tell a story when they are all put together. But when you separate each image you are able to feel as if you were almost there with them or even behind the camera yourself. It takes a special person to take such a looked down upon act and create such beautiful images.

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