Ashly Stoh The photographer and mother of this young sith, Charth Vader (Charlie), has seen her son head down a literal dark side because of his Ocular Albinism, a condition that characterized by a decreased pigmentation in the iris, resulting in impaired vision. She suggests that his love for Darth Vader is his way of trying to live with his growing disability in a world that caters to more adults and the visually sound. Charlie is the smallest of three children and is quoted as being, "tenderhearted and playful." He started dressing up at age four as his counter part. The helmet makes him feel empowered and unstoppable." The photographer admits that she hopes this spirit of perseverance and and tenacity will stay with him throughout his childhood." (
Stoh shows only monochromatic pictures here and in this instance, it really works. Normally with children I prefer color but because she is showing what her son is starting to experience, I start to feel an emotional connection and caring for her son. I even wish there was something I could do to help him as I watch his story unfold. It's good to know hes a strong child though you still feel for him. These were the scenes I chose to show and I feel they have the strongest vulnerability of all the ones I saw.
Stoh might be someone for you guys to check out. Her monochromatic pictures are very touching and many of them have a desperation to them and you almost wish you can help the subject. In some of them there is a terrible hopelessness to them that really pulls at the heart strings. Some of the pictures have a stillness is very eerie. Some of the moving figures are familiar but when she captures a still figure in an a natural pose, it feels like your holding your breath for the next shot to take place to see what happened to the person. If you like monochromatic art with allot of emotion then check the link above an see what you think.
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