Sunday, September 1, 2013

Imani Cannon: Weekly Post #2

Bjorn Lofterud
                "A Swedish photographer, from my side of the world Europe-- something I enjoy to see-- has caught my eye for the week! His use of perspective regarding architecture, interior, food, and still-life are something I enjoy to see. He has offered great help for me-- especially for the week, regarding different perspective and focal points in a photograph. Bjorn, is not just focusing on the same thing in the image when he takes the picture, he focuses on something different each time. While still managing to implement crisp, sharpening, images that almost has your mouth dripping for that savory burger. Or, for all your beer drinkers out there you couldn't tell me that that beer doesn't look thirst quenching. Not only does his pictures make me hungry, but they offer insight to photos that are around us everyday." 

           "Lofterud, also manages to use props in an photograph multiple times in different ways-- rather it be to make up for background in photo or to add emphasis. He seems to like the colors of black and white while light and darkness play a key role as well. Textures in the picture seem to implement hard and softness to a photo and most of all the simplicity white and black illuminate."

Check out his artwork at:

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