Sunday, September 15, 2013

Michael Watts Weekly Post #4

Mark Tipple is a documentary photographer who has traveled the world and done a lot of work in africa and underdeveloped countries.  He is also well known for his underwater shots in which he focuses on both the underwater environment as well as the people that are experiencing it.  Mark says that whenever a person dives under a wave they are experiencing a world that is all their own and he loves to capture that experience that they are having.  Each person handles and reacts to the journey underwater differently wether they end up in a contorted position or have a mangled look on their face and Mark tries to capture that extremely personal moment.  He has traveled the world far and wide visiting both remote and populated beaches and captured the people that inhabit them.  Mark admits that sometimes he even stays underwater holding his breath for much longer than he should just so that he can take in as much as possible of the aquatic environment and the people in it. 


  1. I did this one already earlier on the blog, but I liked how you picked different photos to spotlight. Just goes to show how different people are in what attracts their attention. :)

  2. I did this one already earlier on the blog, but I liked how you picked different photos to spotlight. Just goes to show how different people are in what attracts their attention. :)
