Monday, April 6, 2015

Brianna Ivey-Weekly Artist Post

Günter K

1. Businessman Gunter K and his is secretary Margaret S had a nineteen month affair. Gunter and Margaret was both married during the affair.  During and after the affair,  Gunter kept personal memorabilia such as hair from her private parts and head, pictures of Margaret. The items from the affair was found in an empty apartment in a suitcase. Margaret was the one who ended the affair and told Gunter to find another woman to sleep around with.

2. Gunter wrote an diary with explicit details of their affair from their sex positions,  date and time when the affair took place to arguments his wife and mistress had. Gunter might have kept the records and pictures from his affair with Margaret was because their relationship was doom from the start. By keeping paraphernalia from. His affair with Margaret he was able to mold her and their relationship into a fantasy he kept in his head. Gunter also probably started having romantic feeling for Margaret during and/or after their affair.

3. This story through pictures reminds me of the affairs of past president and other political scandals.  This story could be a cliché Lifetime movie where rich and powerful men have affairs with their beautiful secretaries while their wives are at home being a homemaker.  I wonder why Gunter never took pictures of himself or pictures of Margaret with him. Margaret must have been very special to Gunter for him to keep these things that reminds him of her. Many powerful businessmen, never or hardly keep things of their affairs behind their wives back because they are afraid that these things will leak and ruin their careers and families.

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