Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Cynthia Bowles- Weekly artist post


1. Tony Stamolis is a modern day photographer that uses a low ISO, a fast shutter speed, and a simi closed aperture to create the exposure he wants for each image. He also uses the color contrast between the foreground and background to highlight his focal points. For example, in the last image the contrast between the brown rusted gas tanks and the sky line makes the red drawn frowny face pop out. I believe he took the time to find the perfect position and time of day to take each image. He might have used a tripod in the second image to catch the skateboarder on the edge of the pool like that. 
2. Stamolis used these photos, as well as a few others in his series to show what is not normally seen by society. For example, in the first image, you normally see death metal fans in that scenery. In his Fresno series, he takes other images of drugs, gangs, and people in poverty. He shows the ugly truth about that city that very little people appreciate. 
3. I think by capturing the unseen world he brings up a lot of sociological issues. Like in first image,  it looks odd that two people like that would be in that kind of environment. I say that because normally, when people are wearing facial make up that, they are in a dark area with strobe lights and  a band. Its become a social norm. Stamolis takes the social norm and changes it to take away the stereotypes that come with that society.   

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