Thursday, April 9, 2015

Keri Woodard - Weekly Artist Post make-up


This photographer has a couple different styles that I'd like to be able to do with my own photography. The use of motion and the dark to light contrast really grab the viewers attention. In most of his portraits the face isn't even all showing (sometimes the shadow takes of the whole face or the motion of the shot makes the photo less about the person, but making a more interesting portrait. Llonch claims to enjoy taking strange and eerie landscapes and makes them beautiful.

Miquel has lived in the same city for nearly his whole life and explains the joy he gets out of finding those "fragile spaces" that have been threatened by the growth of his home town. He has many different albums on his websites; advertisements, modeling, family portraitures, landscapes, and even what he is currently working on.

For me, I sat and looked at all of Miquel Llonch's photographs and went through every album. I never do that with any other photographer, so he obviously caught my attention. His photographs tell a certain narrative and all the subjects are interesting to look at even if they don't seem to fit with the other photos which I hope to accomplish in my own work.

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