Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Skylar Coleman - Weekly Post

Kate Schneider

  1. These three photos deal with the right lighting and framing. The colors of what is in the photos contrast nicely and make the images more visually appealing. The time of day and lighting from the sun in the first image and the yellow cast over it provides a sense of warmth. The way Kate chose to not include the entire body of the man and barrel also makes the image work so well. Shadows and highlights are picked up on the man in the second image making the image more interesting. The field of depth also works really well. The last image makes the viewer feel like you are sitting in the back of the truck looking down the road. The framing of the truck bed with the road and grass and the contrast of the red truck with the green grass is very balanced. 
  2. Kate Schneider is a photographer who bases her works on the traditions of documentary storytelling and ethnography. She focuses on the impact the land have on individual and cultural identity in North America.
  3. I really liked looking at all of her series that captured different landscapes and lifestyles. The lighting and colors are well balanced and make the pictures complete.

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