Sunday, October 25, 2015

Clarissa Stanley - Weekly Artist Post 11

 Liz Hickok 

1. These miniature photographs are probably taken with a modern DSLR camera. The colors are extremely vibrant and move the picture from being realistic to being something whimsical. The way Hickok is able to manipulate the crystals to mimic trees allows the viewer to connect the pictures to something they've seen before
2. The transformation of the crystals is an experiment just as taking pictures is. in the first photo the crystals are white and in the next two they are blue, it is interesting to see how she can manipulate the crystals color and shape, like how in the first and last one the crystals resemble trees and in the middle photo the crystals are flatter and spread out
3. I think the pictures are interesting. The first photo looks the most like a landscape with the sun setting in the background and a fence in the foreground with water or ice around it, this is my favorite because of how it must have been constructed to look like a scene the photographer is familiar with. 

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