Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Lauren Reynard ~Weekly Artist post 11

Rich McCor

1. Rich McCor is a London based Photographer that uses paper mediums in his work to heighten the compositions. He travels the city and finds creative spots to use his paper cut outs with. He photographs well known places and uses his cut outs to make them into something new. 

2. In the first photo, the photograph is slightly blurry but he keeps his hand in focus as well as the Lego man cutout. He mimics this again in the other two pictures and keeps his hands in focus with the cut out being the main attraction, The background/place is important but he keeps most of the focus on the cutout and it makes for a beautiful shot. 

3. The photographs appealed to me because of how different and interesting they are. I was looking through the feature shots but this series really caught my eye because of the paper cut outs. Its innovative and new which is refreshing after doing posts on similar styles of photography.  

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