Monday, October 26, 2015

Logan Willis - Weekly Artist Post #11

Rich McCor

1) Technically, Rich McCor uses Instagram as his main platform. He also uses squares primarily for his frame. Rich also uses a deep depth of field to entertain his paper cut outs. He frames them just so that the paper cutouts come to life and start to interact with the background. He uses color photos mainly but some are in black and white. He also focuses on including his hand in these photos as he needs to hold the paper cut out.

2) Rich McCor's main themes are using famous monuments throughout the world and incorporating them into his work. His other major theme is including the paper cut outs and using them in just a way that fits each monument individually. For example, the cutout used in photo 3 would not fit with photos 1 or 2. This also goes for the cut outs used in each picture as he creates them knowing what the frame is going to include and which monument, scene, or background will be used. He uses black cut outs to give a silhouette look rather than using outlines, colored cutouts, etc.

3) I found Rich McCor's idea to use cut outs with major monuments to be a very clever and creative idea. He is clearly making photos not just taking them. I also enjoy the fact that he is truly a digital photographer as Instagram is his platform, however, he still maintains the same theme in all of his photos regardless of where he is traveling in the world. I also enjoy that he travels in different places but still continues to use the black cutouts and also takes into account the best angle to use for each place, cutout, and frame that is being chosen. At first glance, I did not like the fact that his hand was in each photo but now I have come to understand this is on purpose and his intentional decision to include his hand holding the cutouts in most of his photographs. I really enjoyed looking at all of his photographs, especially as they are mainly landscapes but he stays consistent by adding the black cutouts to his photographs.

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