Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Dawit Samson - Weekly Artist Post 9

Steve Smith 

1.) Steve Smith uses his subjects to guide the viewers' eye. In all three pictures, the main focus is looking at someone or something. Causing the viewer to direct her/his attention on that. His use of contrast aids the viewers' eye as well. For instance, the contrast between the boy in the white shirt and the dark tree attracts the viewers' eye. Also the bowties on the kids to their white shirts. 

2.) While taking these sets of photos, Smith and the rest of the USA were in the Cold War. Everybody was waiting weather the next thing was either good or bad. The idea of waiting can be seen throughout these pictures. The young work force waiting to start their job. Little boy waiting, for what it looks, his dad to finish talking.  The crowd of people going to a specific place, could be a bomb shelter or an ice cream store. They never knew what would happen next.

3.) Smith's techniques help what he was going for in this photo series. I like how the use of contrast, movement don't give away the theme, but they give the viewer a hint. The theme is the final destination and the techniques are road maps. 

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