Monday, February 29, 2016

Bradley Manley Weekly Artist Post 7

Jason Fulford

Jason Fulford is a photographer who does mostly commissioned work. These are portraits of the famous rapper Lil B. These photos are a representation of himself and the city that he dwells in. A portrait has a slice of his personality and piece of his city in the background which seems to be edited into behind him.

The images seem to be a little flat, which may represent Lil B's music, if you ever heard it. With the exception of the last photo, there is not much dynamics to the lighting. The photos seem to be straight forward. The backgrounds are urban areas carefully placed behind Lil B and having a cut off usually around his knees or waist.

The photo themselves hold my attention because I know who he is. It seems these photos, like his music, are not really put well together yet it still is interesting. The certain placement of Lil B in these street backdrops reflects more towards his personality and his personal life, however with commissioned work the true meaning of these photos are really unknown.

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