Thursday, November 5, 2015

Ashanti Neverson - Weekly Artist Post 13

Nicolas Enriquez 

1.) The photographer started a project capturing the lives of the Latin King gang members in New York. He shot in black and white with distances ranging from four to six feet. In these photos the subjects vary in position from centered to off centered. Many of the subjects in his photos aren't directly facing the camera as the photographer were capturing candid photos of them. The lighting is natural and very dark as they were shot in their apartments.

2.) Since most of the photos are in the small apartments they live in the lighting only comes from the windows creating narrow casts on their faces forcing the viewer's attention to the subjects. In the second photo the the bars almost seem like a personal prison for the subject as we only see this small area since the photographer's distance is close. In the last photo the light captures the smoke cloud that surrounds the man's head. It almost looks like thought clouds we see in comics and the man's stoic look makes it seem like he is in a deep thought to himself. In the first photo the way the man is motioning to the window with bars seem like he is in a war scoping his target. 

3.) I think the photographer was trying to show a more humane side of the gang members through hanging with them throughout their days. I would have liked to seen them doing more outside of their apartments and showing something more people could relate to like their family life or even just hanging out with their friends. The photos definitely show where their headspace is as I know a lot of people in their situation feel trapped and that they have no other options. 

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