Sunday, November 15, 2015

Mary McCarter- Weekly Artist Post 14

Ryan McGinley

McGinley uses models as well as landscapes to compose his photos. All three have a sort of one color cast over the entire image, in the third photo there is pink tones through, there are yellow tones throughout the first image, and redish tones throughout the second image. He is also shooting his models in full nudity this may be attributed to the meaning of these photos. His depth of field would be within about 20 feet in all three. There is a very clear contrast in the second photo compared to the other two, the darkness seems to be framing this event almost. The first and third photos both have clear horizontal lines cutting the picture, however both pictures have vertical line opposing its horizontal lines (the model/ water).

The meaning is unclear by looking at these photos just by themselves. It could be a meaning of solitude. In all three photos only one person is being photographer and in all three each model is doing some kind of act, besides the third one. The fact that the models are nude also plays a role in the photographs meaning. Again all three models are alone and nude so this could have to do with being free and exploring the elements. The first photograph has aggressive waters and the model seems to be struggling. The second photograph the model is doing a cart wheel of sorts around a fire maybe in celebration. The third photo is serene and peaceful as the model faces a lake with mountains in the background. All three have similar themes in terms of the models all being naked and in the elements.

Personally these photos for me are daring and outspoken and interesting. In all three of these photos something intriguing is happening and its the viewers job to really look and try and understand what is happening. With a combination of interesting content and brilliant color combinations I really enjoying looking and understanding these photos. The second photo is the most intense for me because the fire is clearly so powerful in the shot and is almost enveloping the model. The third photo is the most calming mostly because of the color contrast with the pinks and yellows it has a very peaceful effect.

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