Sunday, November 1, 2015

Clarissa Stanley - Weekly Artist Post 12

 Terri Gold

1.  Gold's photographs appear to have been shot with a traditional film camera because of the inverted infrared or negative color contrast. The photographer shoots with a digital camera and does her infrared light technique in the digital darkroom rather than in the traditional dark room. Gold's photos are mostly portrait of foreign people groups, this particular shoot in Niger was of a nomadic tribes mating holiday. 
2. The meaning of the photos is to photograph a part of life that most people do not see or know anything about. Gold is trying to capture the feeling of the ceremony and ritual so that the viewer can get a scene of what it would feel like to be there and be a part of the festivities. Adding the blues and white color balance to the photo enhances the picture to something that is almost alien because of the colors of the  human skin, animals furs and apparent color variations in the background that are not naturally occurring, this along with the way the people are dressed shows that this is a foreign part of the world. however because they are portraits the viewer connects with the photographs in a way that is normal with portraits all the same.
3. I like these photos mostly because of the negatives used, the palette of pale blues, white and grey/tans. The first photograph of the men singing to the women of the tribe is my favorite because you can see them looking up as if their praising and the details in each face, headdress and necklace in different variations of blue is astonishing.

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