Sunday, November 1, 2015

Mary McCarter- Weekly Artist Post #12

Mitch Epstein

Epstein uses models in an outdoor setting to capture this series of photos. There are clear color relationships in these photos like in the third photo the two model's skin against the cool blues of the background. In the first photo there are a mixture of blues and reds within the model's clothing contrasted against a rather neutral background. There are also very strong lines within the pictures; in the first photo there are prominent vertical lines in the background as well as the models themselves. In the second photo there is an intriguing depth of field with the house in the background with the models staggered in the photo. 

The meaning of these photos are a little unclear. The series itself seems to be trying to capture a realness of a certain place. In the third photo these models clearly live in this area because of their tanned skin and clearly they live in some sort of beach like climate. In the second photo this couple perhaps lives in a wooded area though in a small house maybe this area holds some sort of interest, the man is wearing a fisherman's wetsuit suggesting they may live close to the water. These people are very real and this may speak to the meaning of these photos. 

These photos are somewhat interesting. They can hold attention because of the color relationships and strong lines that were composed in the photo. I'm really interested in the depth of field that Epstein used in the second photograph. The poses are also very interesting, in the third clearly the couple is walking however in the first and second photo the models are set up without a doubt positioned that way. I would be interested to know why he chose to that. What decision making process he had in knowing which way would look better (walking or posing). Over all these photos are well composed.

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