Sunday, October 12, 2014

Mary Jane Morris Weekly Post

Richard Benson takes images of places all over the United States. Initially, he shot with an 8x10 camera but later moved to a digital camera. His images are typically landscape and shot in color. His compositions are typically, if not always, very intentional. He makes sure to have no distracting objects in his photographs. He takes photographs based on color, which leads to very harmonious images.
Benson took a job as a printer in 1966. Through printing, Benson was able to realize how important photography was to printing. He will often "layer" his images when he prints. Some of the images may take 3 layers, while others take up to 9. His understanding of the printing process is a major advancement for Benson since his photographs are printed with very fine color. He makes sure to have the exact hue for each photograph and prints with extreme care and caution.

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