Monday, November 17, 2014

Robert Lamb weekly post #12

     Laurent Baheux was born 1970 in Poitiers, France. He is a Wild life photographer who is self-taught.  He started out with journalism, but quickly found interest in photography. Luckily his former connections came in handy when he started to peruse it. Throughout his life he has always been fascinated by Africa, and he has taken many trips too different parts of the world for photography. As for his camera equipment he uses the Nikon D4 & D800, along with varying lenses from 24-120/4 VR to AFS 800/5.6.

     The three images above are from his “Africa _Light and Shadow” Portfolio found on his web site. “I feel less danger to photography wild animals that to live with civilized people” a quote from Baheux. With this quote I can only assume that it an expression for his love and passion for photography. Stating that he feels less danger being around wild animals than when he is with civilized people. For most people this statement would seem completely backwards or even insane. But for Baheux it makes since when you look at his work. Even though may he risk his life to capture these images it shows how dedicated he is to his work. In the three examples that I have he does well to show the true nature of these animals. I believe that this is achieved with only using black and white with this project. In doing this it allows you to focus on the subject/ animal showing of their power and majesty without them really being too active. He knows that these animals could easily kill him, but there would be reason behind it such as eating or defending themselves, but that’s who they are, animals. On the hand one could say humans are just animals pretending not to be. That is what makes us more dangerous. So if I could take anything form this photographer it would be his dedication to his work. 

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