Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Brianna Ivey- Weekly Artist Post 3

Kathy Shorr

1. In Kathy Shorr Photographs "BFF" Kathy takes pictures of women in New York City with their best friend. It took Shorr two years to do her project. When choicing her subjects, Shorr sought after women who had an obverse bond with each other, similar fashion, hair and clothing style and/or personalities

2. Shorr started working on her project "BFF" after photographing two best friends and she notice how close they got together in the picture. Shorr began to think about the bond she had with her friends in her teen years through out her adult life. BFF represent the strong and dynamic relationships between women who are friends with on another.

3. While looking at Kathy Shorr paragraphs it show be the bond between friends especially women who are friends with one another. It remind me of my friends through the years and how close we become like sisters. If you watch reality shows it stereotype women that women cannot be in the same room or space without fighting or being catty. Kathy Shorr pictures show that women can have a close bond with each other.

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