Saturday, January 31, 2015

What do I care about?

Surely not these blog posts, if I am to speak candidly... 

And I may just brush that off
as if it were the settled dust on my jacket sleeve, and just
minimalize its indiscretion
as inconsequential
for the purpose of
continuing to
not care.  And then just
write it off
as if it were a tax deduction.
And then

forget about it.

Like, why should I give a shit about such a perfunctory task, as a blog post?

The answer?  Well... because I should.

 And no, not because I'm worried about what others will think if I don't.  But because, it reveals something true about my character.  The blog post is just a microcosm of my life.  It fulfills the duty of calmly enabling my sense of carelessness on the lowest scale.  Which in turn, justifies my actions on a much higher scale. 

To which, in a few more years, I'll find myself tragically the nucleus of a moon-sized snowball rampantly rolling and gaining speed into an irrecoverable state of peril.


what do I care about?

The truth is,
I care about those that care about me, and my well-being.  Those that help to restore my faith in humanity with their lustrous integrity. 

The ones who
assume the role of bumper
when I go bowling.

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