Sunday, January 25, 2015

Connor Woisard Curran Hatleberg

Its difficult to say exactly what type of camera Curran Hatleberg most likely uses but it seems like regardless of the type of equipment, he always uses a high shutter speed. I would assume this only because it seems like most of seems are shot candidly with people moving around in the picture. Another clue as to why this may be true can be found in the first picture with the toy boys fighting. As you can see one of the boys is frozen above the ground in the image. Another technical observation I made about the first photo was the wide format of the picture. This makes me believe some sort of wide angle lens was used in order to capture the entire scene. 

Hatleberg seems to focus on capturing the daily life of people. Not many of the photos seems as though they were composed with a certain deliberation but more rather just tried to capture the moment as they happened. Another prevalent theme in his photography is play with light. In many of his other photos their are dramatic beams of light contrasted with dark shadows. 

The people in these photos resonated with me on multiple levels. I felt like these photos were so intriguing -for me especially- because they provoked so many questions about the people in them. I felt myself looking at each person in the picture asking questions and wondering more about who they were. 

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