Friday, January 23, 2015

Ryan Jennings - Weekly Artist Post 2

Adam Bartos

1.  Adam Bartos is a photographer from New York and has a number of collections from around the world.  He is know for his work in locations such as New York, Paris, and Los Angeles.  Adam Bartos has made a name for himself with his images depicting dull colors, light, and peaceful landscape views.  

2.  In this series of photos titled Los Angeles, Bartos is showing us beautiful scenes from Los Angeles and captures the sense of calmness that the city offers.  The purity of the city that can be captured and everything is quiet, even though we know that Los Angeles is one of the busiest cities in our country.   We can use our imagination to picture motion in these photos during other times based on this knowledge of the city life.  The colors are dull, but the ranges are fantastic.  The sense of depth and a clear prospective of foreground, middle ground, and background are evident in his images as well.

3.  Overall, I believe that Bartos did a wonderful job at twisting our view of Los Angeles and showing us that in life, even during the busiest times, you can slow down and enjoy the peacefulness of everything around you.  I enjoyed these photos because they brought me those places and I imaged myself walking slowly and appreciating the beautiful views and colors of the sky.  His photos have inspired me to take a deep breath and stop, look around, and cherish the little things that life has to offer.

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