Sunday, January 25, 2015

Grace Herion - Weekly Artist Post 2

Jo Ann Callis

I don't think I can tell any information about the equipment Jo Ann Callis used for these photos but she seems to use spot lights to accentuate the focal point of the photographs. She uses a straight-on view leaving nothing to distract the viewer from what they are supposed to see. 

Callis uses her art to question the bonds of domesticity. And by bonds, she means like bondage. Callis questions why women who so often strive to break out of the molds of domestic life turn to sexual bondage for empowerment. It doesn't really seems to make sense to tie yourself up in order to gain control, does it? But she says they must do it if they feel some sort of pleasure from it... but the question then is why do they feel pleasure?

These pictures intrigue me and make me think about my role as a woman as I get older and how I want to live. I don't want to be one of them women in these photos trapped by their own domestic duties and questionable attempts at control and freedom.

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