Friday, January 16, 2015

Sabrina Brooks- What I Care About...

Art, love and a new kind of beauty. The beauty of creatures not seen and unheard and having the courage to point them out and make them counted. I care enough about my characters to communicate with them, know their wants, “How would they want me to tell their story.” I care about truth, philosophically speaking; this would be my own definition of truth. I was a liar and very manipulative when I was younger. When I began hearing about following a more righteous path through the church I began to change my ways. Therefore I needed to tell the truth always, no matter how much it hurt to say it. I was in the shower the other day and for the first time in a decade, I felt at peace with my honesty. My professor last semester once told me that it takes a special kind of artist to trust their audience enough to speak their unadulterated truth to said audience. I care about respect and having enough of it to give a damn about everyone’s opinion no matter what it may be. I care about other’s thoughts in this sense, I dig thinking deeply and appreciating how a few minutes more of thinking can change an idea exponentially.

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