Monday, November 28, 2016

Calah Jones Artist Post 16

  1. Diane Arbus worked with a meter less Nikon F camera.  She shot with rolls in nearly every portrait orientation.  Arbus also worked with an  Rollei Wide Rolleiflex which took her a year to adjust to after her Nikon. This altered the proportions of her portraits with such a wide angle lens.  She later uses a Mamiya C33 with a 5mm, 80mm, and 135mm lens. This helped give a great depth of field for her backgrounds in her images. After the Mamiya C33, she used a Pentax 6x7 to make more narrative pictures that are eye level.
  2. Arbus's pictures are mostly portraits and in back and white. They capture features and body gestures. She captured emotion and scene.  Her pictures have a story and a background to tell that she explains as the "sense of absurdities of society created a big nut house the same size a the world."
  3. Arbus's pictures are very intriguing because they capture many different moments in peoples lives.  I like how she has different emotions, like bored, sad and crying, angry, proud... You can feel the emotion in the picture.  I think you can feel it better because of her choice of perspective and the fact there is no color so you're forced to look directly at the person.

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