Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Taylor Quinley Artist Post #12

Drew Doggett

The photographer for Band of Rebels: White Horses of Carmague, is Drew Doggett. Drew is a New York photographer who traveled over 6,000 miles to meet these horses in person. These horses are an ancient breed. They live in rugged marshlands in southern France. Doggett did a fantastic job photographing these wild horses. Most of these horses are grey with little to no other colors in their hair. With that being said I find it interesting that Doggett decided to make these pictures in black and white. I personally think it was a great choice. You are still able to see the incredible detail in each of his photos. In the first photo it looks like he used a fairly high shutter speed to stop the motion of the water. It also looks like his ISO was set pretty low due to the lack of noise in the picture. In the later pictures that also have water, it looks like he used a slightly slower shutter speed than before. I think this because the horses legs are blurry but the water is still stopped. These pictures just aren’t as sharp as the first water picture. Overall I really enjoy these images. I think his choice to use black and white was very smart. The amount of detail in each picture is also amazing. 

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