Sunday, September 13, 2015

Artist post 8- Giovann Collazo

Giovann Collazo
Shane Rocheleau
Digital Photography

These photos were taken by the American photographer David Bailey. The first photo shows an abandoned playground. The second photo shows a graveyard blanketed with snow about to be consumed by a storm. The last photo shows a semi truck hauling logs to be taken  by a large crane. Bailey probably stood twenty feet from the playground and used a filter I'm not familiar with. In the second photo, Bailey stood in the graveyard and shot the image just before the weather was about to ensue. He made sure that the clouds in the background would help to make a better and more interesting image. In the last photo, Bailey probably stood on a lift and looked upwards so as to get the clouds and also to show how big these machines really are.

The first photo of the playground looks really forlorn and disturbing. Where are the children? Why is it seem so lost? The second photograph emulates a yin and yang or a conflict about to take place. The left side of the photo is very white with a bit of blue sky in the right hand corner, while the right side is very very black and cold in comparison. The third photo shows that these hulking machines may seem lifeless but the angle and the brightness of the photo may show some spark in these machines.

I think of a very creepy tale or a horror film when i see the first photo. The way it was shot and the way the light, enhanced by the filter, illuminates the playground sends a chill down my spine. The second photo makes me expect to see a group of corpses lumber out of the graves and head for the camera. The time of day and the angle of where he took the photo really sets a sort of peaceful and tranquil mood. But the darkness creeping from  the right of the photo sets a more insidious tone. The third photo sets the scene for hard working machines that seem lifeless, but the light and angl of the shot gives them a sort of energy that makes them seem alive.

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