Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Mayteana Colon weekly artist post 4

Dash Snow

1) Dash Snow uses a polaroid camera to capture these moments in time. They seem to be very close range and framed around the subject, probably only a couple of feet away. He seems to shoot at night a lot, and uses his flash as a light source. His pictures have an A symmetrical setup to them, possibly intentional. His pictures are manly human subject with a few sceneries depicting an idea or thought.

2) Picture one shows two guys in merriment, probably friends in a pillow fight or wrestling match given the smiles and all the feathers that dominate the image. The second image shows what I believe to be a Shell gas station with the S light out making the sign read Hell. Seems like a play on gas prices, our economy and maybe even our country as a whole. The last picture is a freeze framed image of someone throwing up with possibly his friend looking on without a sign of disgust.

3) These images depict things and situations that can occur in everyday life. I specifically had a draw to these images first by the hell sign. So many times have I seen a store or place of business with a light out and only found it funny or laughing at the new word created, I never saw it as art. The way the image is photographed makes me really thinks and brings more depth to the image. The fact that it reads Hell is so perfect and the image being shot at night was the perfect setting to capture the image. I like the picture of the two friends because it reminds me of the good times I have with my friends and how we always catch those magical moments with random snap chats. The last one kind of bridges off the first one, not only do you have good times but also bad. I have seen many nights where my friends or even I have been that guy throwing. It gives his collection a real genuine and rustic feel.

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