Monday, September 14, 2015

Joey Scolieri - Weekly Artist Post 5

Douglas R. Gilbert

1. The photographer uses a Leica M6 camera with a 35mm Leica Sum-micron lens, a 50mm Sum-micron lens, a portable tripod, and all of his images are shot on Ilford Delta 100 film. The lens that he uses allows him to up close and personal with his subject.

2. Douglas Gilbert traveled with Bob Dylan with the intent of capturing images for a LOOK Magazine article that was never published. The sole purpose of this series was to capture what Bob was like outside of music and how he lived his life day to day. The first photo shows Bob Dylan on a motorcycle outside of his home in Woodstock, New York. The second photograph depicts him doing one of his favorite things and that is smoking and socializing with friends. The third photograph is of Bob simply watching television after a long night of partying. I believe that Douglas Gilbert was able to capture the simplicity of Bob Dylan perfectly throughout this series and was able to show the viewer that he was just a regular guy. 

3. This is one of my favorite series that I have discovered so far this semester. Bob Dylan is a great artist with a fascinating back story to his music and style. The series of photographs really allow the viewer a sort of backstage pass to Bob Dylan's life outside of music. I also really like how the photographer used film to capture the era and tone of a musical legend. 

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