Sunday, September 20, 2015

Brandon Harrell - Weekly Artist Post #6

Mitja Schneehage 

1. Schneehage appears to be using a camera in digital format, and uses color for
his set of photographs. It is unclear whether or not he actually uses digital,
but one can assume that it appears to be. His pictures come across as very
bright, meaning that there could be several reason on how these
photographs came out; He could have used a slow shutter speed and wide
aperture, or he could have changed the ISO and white balance to reflect being
in a parking garage that was light by fluorescent lighting. He seems to take
these pictures at night during off hours, due to no cars being in any of the
2. His subject for this set of photographs is something that is actually very
simple: parking lots and parking garages. He took these photos in hopes of
deviating from the norm, in which many people go for photographing
scenery or people. He was drawn to the project by the sheer simplicity of
parking garages. He mentions that he appreciates the minimalist approach
that makes these parking lots and garages, as so little went in to make these
structures. As in the pictures seen above, they look to be very bland and one
can agree with his statement.
3. I am not entirely sure whether or not i truly enjoyed these. At the least they were very interesting, as they were definitely unique compared to the
other photos I have viewed throughout the course of the semester. However,
I find it very interesting that he was drawn to the simplicity and minimalism
in parking garages, further proving the point that anything can make a decent
photograph. As mentioned in class beforehand, as photographers we should
always be finding ways to deviate from the norm and find new things to
make pictures of, rather than the clichés, such as mountains and people, that
we are used to.

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